What is the Best Office Chair for Posture?

What is the best office chair for posture? This is the question we’ll be answering in this article. You may not know the scale of the impact poor posture has on your health. So we’ll also be discussing the importance of good posture and how to achieve it with an adjustable office chair. 

What is the importance of good posture?

Posture is responsible for the strain you feel on your muscles after exercising, sitting, or lying down for long periods. However, bad posture doesn’t only present itself physically. Incorrect posture can influence your energy levels, emotional state, and concentration if left unremedied. 

Seated posture is just as, if not more important than standing posture. Sitting for long periods adds huge stress to the structure of your spine, back muscles, and spinal discs. This can lead to long-term discomfort and permanent issues if you don’t have an adjustable chair to work in throughout the day. 

Almost 2.6 million people in the UK seek advice from their doctors annually concerning back pain. Whether you’re working at a desk or doing manual labour for a living, bad posture contributes significantly to this statistic and doesn’t discriminate. 

Therefore, it is vital that you use an adjustable chair throughout the day and practice good posture while on your feet to prevent long-term problems and realign your neck, shoulders, lower back and lumbar area. 

What makes an adjustable chair beneficial for posture?

When our chairs aren’t adjusted to the shape and size of our bodies, we tend to slouch. Slouching in your chair at work is incredibly common. But can cause a lot of tension in your muscles if ignored. Purchasing an office chair for posture support is the best way to prevent slouching and disperse the weight and tension on your muscles and joints for more comfortable working. 

At first, when you attempt to change your sitting habits, you may find it difficult and even uncomfortable to realign your body to the specially designed grooves of your adjustable chair. But persistence is key, and your body will get used to it.

What is the best office chair for posture?

To avoid developing or compounding back problems, an ergonomic chair is essential. Ergonomic chairs are designed to maintain the health and efficiency of desk workers by alleviating posture issues, offering complete support, and promoting good posture, comfort and movement.

Here at Ergonomic Chairs Direct, we sell a wide range of adjustable office chairs for people of all shapes and sizes to suit their bodies and ensure maximum comfort while working. 

As an umbrella term, ergonomic chairs are the best office chair for posture. However, the many individual requirements we each have mean that there is no specific ‘best chair’, but the chair that suits your body best. 

Ergonomic chairs are built with the user in mind and usually include adjustable lumber, seat, back, armrests, headrest and height. These elements combined will ensure your chair suits your individual body proportions and helps to prevent the onset of repetitive strain injury.

What add-ons can be included in an adjustable office chair?

Adjustable office chairs should be reactive to your state throughout the day, especially as you become more tired and require additional support. Some add-ons you can include in your adjustable office chair are inflatable cells in the lumbar, thoracic and seat, which allow you to alter the cushioning as you please to maintain comfort. 

How can Ergonomic Chairs help?

An ergonomic chair with customisation options will require investment, especially if you’re looking for quality and longevity. But given the exponential changes you can expect for your postural health and productivity at work, the chair will practically pay for itself. 

Small habits can lead to big changes when given enough time. So don’t wait until your condition gets worse to start changing. 

Here at Ergonomic Chairs Direct, we have a variety of adjustable office chairs for sale that will improve your posture, efficiency, and overall physical and mental state over time. 

If you’re struggling to find something suitable for you, please see our chair builder! There, you can design the chair in line with your body and receive a personalised chair just for you. 

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