10 Best Desk Stretches You Can Do In The Office

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders aren’t limited to workers in heavy manufacturing and construction. They can occur in all industries and work environments, including offices. 

Your body is made to move. Not to sit in the same position for long periods of time. If you work in an office, you’ve probably felt the effects of this, and may have noticed that your desk-life takes a toll on your mental and physical health over time. 

In this article, we discuss why performing desk stretches throughout the day is an essential method of muscle therapy, and explain which office exercises you can do in just a few short minutes throughout the day.

What are the Consequences of NOT Doing Stretches?

A study investigating 8,000 office-working adults discovered that sitting at a desk for prolonged periods can lead to weak muscles, reduced blood circulation, inflammation, and even a weakened immune system. 

Furthermore, research shows that repetitive motion, poor posture, and sitting stagnant can cause or worsen work-related musculoskeletal disorders. 

These factors combined can increase your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, weight gain and even obesity if not monitored. 

Fortunately, there are ways to improve your health and comfort while working. It is known that doing desk stretches periodically while at work is invaluable for reducing pain and substantially improving posture. 

What can you do?

To help break the cycle of prolonged sitting, experts recommend taking a break to move every 45 minutes. Movement can be as minimal as standing at your desk, short walks, or desk stretches. Office exercises are a form of muscle therapy that loosens your muscles, improves circulation and gives your mind a boost to help you stay focused. 

We know it can feel quite weird to do a mini yoga session in the middle of a work day. But your desk stretches will transform your physical and mental wellbeing and help you leave the office feeling better. 

It’s easy to forget to do office stretches and exercise because you’ve got so many more ‘productive’ things to do. But it is a buildable habit. 

The following flexibility exercises release tension in your neck, back, shoulders, hips and glutes. Do them as often as you can and you’ll notice reduced tightness and even possibly more productivity!

You’ll never know if you don’t give it a try! 

The Ultimate ‘Deskercise’ Routine: Office Stretches

  • Set an alarm for every 45-50 minutes to stretch. 
  • Hold each stretch for 15 seconds.
  • Avoid exercises that cause pain or discomfort. 
  • Do as many reps as you can. 
  • Enjoy yourself! 

The best stretches can be had when you monitor your breathing. Never hold your breath, and take normal breaths to maximise effectiveness.

Overhead Reach (Latissimus Stretch)

  • Raise your arm above your head.
  • Reach over your head, lead by your arm, not your body movement. 
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds. 
  • Relax your arm slowly by your side, and repeat with the other arm.

Shoulder Raise (Pectoralis Stretch)

  • Clasp your hands together above your head and turn your palms to the ceiling.
  • Push your arms upwards, still keeping your hands connected. 
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds.
  • Relax your arms slowly by your side to finish.

Forward Stretch

  • Clasp your hands behind your back.
  • Push your chest outward, keeping your hands together, and raise your chin.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds.
  • Relax your shoulders slowly to finish.

Torso Stretch (Rhomboid Upper Stretch)

  • Reach both arms horizontally and lower your head to line with your arms.
  • Lean forward and hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.
  • Lean back and lower your arms slowly to finish.

Hip & Knee Flexion Stretch

  • Face forward and keep both feet firmly on the ground.
  • Rest an arm on the back of your chair. 
  • Twist your upper body in the direction of the resting arm (exhale while doing so).
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds. 
  • Switch sides and repeat. 

Hamstrings Stretch

  • Lean back comfortably in your chair. 
  • Pull one leg at a time, holding at the knee, toward your chest. 
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds. 
  • Switch to the other leg. 
  • Relax both legs, feet firm to the floor, and lean forward slowly. 

Shoulder Shrug

  • Extend one leg outward (extending both can exacerbate back problems).
  • Reach slowly toward your toes.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds. 
  • Bring your leg back to your natural sitting position and repeat with the other leg. 

Neck Stretch

  • Raise both shoulders simultaneously toward the ears in a soft circular motion.
  • Drop them slowly and repeat 10 times forward and backwards.
  • Lower them slowly.

Upper Trap Stretch

  • Relax your shoulders and lean your head forward.
  • Slowly roll your head towards your left shoulder and hold for 15 seconds.
  • Repeat the same motion towards your right shoulder. 
  • Relax your head and lift your chin to its natural position. 
  • Repeat this exercise three times in each direction.

Upper Trap Strech (Part 2)

  • Gently pull your head toward each shoulder to a light stretch.
  • Hold for 15 seconds.

We hope these exercises are beneficial to your overall wellbeing and physical health in the office. Perform at least one of these desk stretches every day and we guarantee you’ll notice a difference. 

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